India Lacking In Innovation.

Deepankar Parashar
4 min readMar 1, 2018


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Why Innovation is important ?

Innovation is the action or process of innovating something new which will help people in numerous ways like communication , traveling , making their life easier and the list goes on.

Countries around the global has top the Global Innovation Index like Switzerland, USA, UK . If we talk about India , it is lacking in pure innovation and creativity. Why is it that India , having this huge demographic dividend is not able to break the glass ceiling? In last 60 years India has not shaken Earth with his ideas. Something is seriously wrong going on the up bringing of future of India.

India’s population and need of new technological solution for the core problems is the necessity of innovation. Scope of Innovation is every where, everything requires presence of mind for analysing the problem and giving it a solution. Innovation is that simple no rocket science.

Another, reason why India is lacking innovation could be of Brain Drain- A state where the Intelligent mind emigrate to another country and then their own country lacks in Intelligent , brilliant minds. India is facing this problem and the only solution to this problem is that increase the scope and areas where these great minds can be used for making the people’s live even more better.

According to the recent studies , In between 2003 and 2013 the Indian origin scientists and engineers in U.S has grew up by 85% says a report by National Science Foundation. Which means India is the single largest source of professionals populating the Americans Workspaces. Even the number of scientists and engineers residing in United States has rose from 21 millions to 29 millions and the major fields were Engineering, Science , Mathematical and Social. These are the number of “A Players” and once they emigrate we are left with “B, C….. Players” which is why we lack in innovation.

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has launched a platform / program named as “Make In India” which has attracted some Indian origin scientist and engineers to return back and help in the growth of India’s development. Not many have returned but that number is very small.

Recently in an interview Steve Wozniak the Co-Founder of Tech Giant Apple has said in an interview that indian can work hard to get the MBA and Mercedes but Lacking in Innovation More on that can read here

I have been brought up in a typical Indian family so i would like to share my upbringing with you all.

  • You are told to follow other rather than creating your own path — Each person is born with it’s unique personality but schools , parents and society suppress you in every way they can. We are always told to follow others rather than creating a path for our own self. Why we are told this ? Because the path they have followed has ended up in achieving abundance of success for them, so if you follow it you will also achieve the same. But if something has worked for them , will it work for me the way it has worked for them ? No one will answer this question. So what’s happening here is that you are being spoon feeded. You are scolded for asking a question here, even if i tell someone that i wanted to be an entrepreneur , so they will ask me Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? Although you have a great job , work hard and you will get increments , perks and what not . They will never ask you what is the thing that you will do as an entrepreneur? It’s rare of the rarest.
  • Be on the safe side than being the risk taker — Safe player is the term coined for every one who is in his 25, Be on the safer side as you have maintain the job profile as you will be getting married soon, save for older ages and and blah blah ….. Well that is something we should focus but it doesn’t mean that we should stop focusing our heart.

I know there is something wrong with the up bring of children when it comes to become Entrepreneur as it requires a new version of you which mean you have to get out of your comfort zone.

Part 2 of this article will be released soon.

Thanks for reading it and keep reading on.



Deepankar Parashar
Deepankar Parashar

Written by Deepankar Parashar

Technical Writer ; Full time Coder ; I am fascinated by blockchain technology.

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